Build up in Christ
This podcast is all about Discipleship & building up in Christ. Teaching stewardship, leadership & encouraging believers in Christ. As well as introducing Christ to those who might not know Him.
Build up in Christ
Church: Realizing your need for community
In this episode Brother, Jason Mitchell Weber is with us, AKA Mitch. We are discussing What is the meaning behind the word Church, and the need for the church & fellowship.
Key verses:
Matthew 16:18 & Genesis 28:3
Recommended reading: The Body: being light in the darkness by Charles Colson,
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Wise Quotes:
“Let him who is not in the community beware of being alone. Into the community you were called-the call was not meant for you alone; in the community of the called you bear your cross, you struggle, you pray. You are not alone even in death and on the last Day, you will be only one of the great congregation of Jesus Christ.
-Dietrich Bonhoffer, Life Together
“Healthy spiritual growth requires the presence of the other—the brother, the sister, the pastor, the teacher. A private, proudly isolated life cannot grow. The two or three who gather together in Christ’s name keep each other sane. Spiritual growth cannot take place in isolation. It is not a private thing.”
--Eugene Peterson