Build up in Christ
This podcast is all about Discipleship & building up in Christ. Teaching stewardship, leadership & encouraging believers in Christ. As well as introducing Christ to those who might not know Him.
Build up in Christ
Church Discipline
In this episode we are discussing Church Discipline with Pastor Sam Colon (Circle of Christ Church). Which is the process of correcting sinful behavior among members of a local church body for the purpose of protecting the church, restoring the sinner to a right walk with God, and renewing fellowship among the church members. Key verse is found in Mt 18:15-20 . There are 3 steps to Church Discipline. In this episode we cover 2.
1. Step 1 Vs15: to approach the offender in private would avoid bringing shame on that person. It also would minimize the opportunity for misunderstanding & gossip.
2. Step 2 Vs 16:Witnesses. This step emphasizes the importance of the issue at hand & provides the wisdom of others. They are there to witness as well help resolve issue.
3. Step 3 Vs 17: The Church. The Greek word here is ekklesia, which means “assembly”. It appears in other NT writings in ref to the corporate body of all believers (body of Christ) Acts 9:31.